Off West Coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia

Epicenter map

Off West Coast of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia

Origin time 2021-12-04 15:29:32
Location 2.74° N   95.13° E
Depth 27 km
Magnitude 4.8
Phases 40
Status M
RMS 0.7
Azimuthal gap 213.2°
AgencyID TMD
Moment Tensor;   Scale 10**16 Nm
  Mrr= 1.88       Mtt=-1.99
  Mpp= 0.11       Mrt= 0.01
  Mrp=-0.19       Mtp= 1.45
Principal axes:
  T  Val=  1.91  Plg=81  Azm=110
  N        0.82       9      297
  P       -2.73       1      207

 NP1:Strike=126 Dip=47 Slip= 102
 NP2:       288     45        77